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a group of kids playing in a small stream




The Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) offers Environmental Education (EE) Grants to formal and non-formal educators. The mission of MAEOE is to help broaden the horizon of students, teachers and families to bring them closer to the natural world.


Grant Criteria:

  • Grants are available to formal and non-formal educators who are MAEOE members.

  • MAEOE members may submit one grant application per grant cycle.

  • Grants projects may be awarded up to $1000. 

  • Grants are considered twice a year: 

    • Spring Grant Cycle: February 1 - March 15

    • Fall Grant Cycle: September 1 - October 15


Any questions may be directed to




Captain Planet Foundation
Projects must promote understanding of environmental issues, focus on hands-on involvement, and

involve K-12 youth


Great Lakes Protection Fund

Funds projects that lead to tangible improvements in the health of the Great Lakes ecosystem, promote the interdependence of healthy ecological and economic systems, and are innovative, creative, and venturesome


Kids Gardening

School Garden Grants


Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation

The Foundation seeks to facilitate the development and implementation of holistic environmental curricula that incorporate basic ecological principles and field environmental activities within a primary or secondary school setting. Accordingly, the Foundation is interested in contributing to the development, implementation and/or field testing of curricula that are consistent with the mission of the Foundation. 


MiCorps Volunteer Stream Monitoring

To assist volunteer organizations in the development of programs to monitor streams and rivers. MiCorps staff provide training to all funded volunteer groups.


Target Corporation Grants for K-12 Teachers

Stores provide grants to local K-12 schools to support educational field trips.


Teachers of Mathematics

The Mathematics Education Trust (MET) of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) funds special projects that enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics.


U.S. Department of Education Funding Initiatives

The Department of Education’s (ED) portal site for electronic grants. From this site you may access all of the Department’s web-based grant systems.


U.S. EPA Environmental Education Grant

Supports environmental education projects that promote environmental awareness and stewardship and help provide people with the skills to take responsible actions to protect the environment.


Wheels to Woods

Wheels to Woods provides funding to PreK-12 schools and other youth groups to pay for transportation costs for an educational field trip to a nearby forest or forest products company.  Any PreK-12 school in Michigan is eligible to apply for funds to go on a field trip to a school forest, private forest, public forest or forest products company.  Wheels to Woods reimburses actual transportation costs up to $350 per bus and $1,000 per school.  Applications can be submitted any time to 


Wisconsin Energy Foundation


P.O. Box 27426, Lansing, MI 48909 | 

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Michigan Alliance for Environmental and Outdoor Education is a non-profit  501(c)(3) membership-based organization led by a Board of Directors.

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