MAEOE has formed a partnership with Green Teacher. Please contact Cindy Fitzwilliams-Heck, your current Michigan Regional Green Teacher Representative (fitzwilc@ferris.edu).
Green Teacher
The Outdoor Learning School & Store
MAEOE is proud to announce a partnership with the Outdoor Learning Store. The Outdoor Learning Store is run by environmental and outdoor educators whose main mission is to provide quality equipment and training to other educators. They review the products they offer, picking the best, and provide support on how to use them.
Michigan Climate Action Network
MAEOE is proud to partner with the MiCAN, a group that is committed to connecting and amplifying individuals, communities, and organizations confronting the climate crisis in Michigan. MAEOE and MiCAN have established a Climate Education Action Team that will advocate for the widespread implementation of climate/environmental education.
MI Sea Grant
MI Sea Grant is dedicated to the protection and sustainable use of the Great Lakes and coastal resources. The Sea Grant-led Center for Great Lakes Literacy engages and inspires teachers, scientists and students to promote improved stewardship of our shared freshwater treasure. It also helps teachers and youth explore the Great Lakes through education and stewardship opportunities.

The Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative
GLSI fosters place-based education using local communities and the environment as a context for teaching and learning. GLSI, through its six regional hubs, provides sustained support for educators and serves as a conduit for school-community partnerships.